An Incident Report should be filled out whenever anything atypical happens inside the store that would require documenting and might require further follow up. A few examples of incidents to report would be theft incidents, trespassing a customer or former employee, any and all security breaches, etc.
Here’s a few things to remember when completing this document:
- Write in, or type the information as neatly as possible to avoid any questions/interpretations of the incident in the future.
- Fill in the Store Location, Incident Date, and Incident Time as accurately as possible.
- Fill in the Details of the Incident: It is important to stick to the facts and use as much plain language as possible. A good rule of thumb is to put as much detail as necessary to be able to understand what happened if someone else needed to read this information after 3 months. So, please include information that would clearly indicate where it happened in the store, what happened, what measures were taken after the event (such as who was contacted) and what kind of resolution was met.
- Fill in the Offender information including the legal First/Last Name, any nicknames that they would be known by in the store, Date of Birth, and their Address.
- If the police were involved, then please fill in the Police Incident No., the Police Office Name and Collar No, and if you are able to get a card from the reporting officer, that should be kept and reported with the Incident Report.
- Fill in the Witnesses information section, and put “N/A” for “Not Applicable” for any lines that are not necessary.
Once completed, the Incident Report Form and any supporting documentation should be emailed to Jeff, Mark, Joe, Teri, Carolyn, and Francesca Traini in Iron Road Human Resources.